
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Some facts about Richard Branson Everyone should know.

His Mother Knew He Would Be
Successfull In his life: ‘He’ll Become
The Prime Minister Of England’
Born on July 18, 1950, in the
small British town of Surrey,
Branson’s mother always had
really high hopes for her son,
often telling people he would
become the prime minister of
England. Well, to Mrs. Branson’s
delight, her son achieved what
others could only wish for.

His first Business Venture?
The Magazine ‘Student’
Branson dropped out of school
at the age of 15 and started a
magazine by the name Student.
This magazine was his first ever
business venture (1968). Who
knew things would soar for this
young lad so much that he would
become one of the most sought
after personalities of the world.

The Hot Air Balloon
Adventurer, Breaking World
Known for his adventurous
streak, in 1987 Branson broke
the world record for being the
first and only person to cross
the Atlantic in the largest hot
air balloon! Following this, in
1991 he again broke his own
record by crossing 6700 miles of
the Pacific in a Virgin hot air
balloon of 2600,000 cubic feet
at a speed of 245 miles per hour.

All Virgin Business Ventures
Are Very Close To His Heart
Being a self-made man, Richard
Branson is known to be very
touchy about the welfare of his
companies. In June 1992, when
he sold Virgin Records to Thorn
EMI for a reported $1 billion, he
cried the entire time the deal
was being carried out.

Virgin Records, Richard
Branson’s ‘first time’
The name Virgin isn’t just a
coincidence. According to Richard
Branson, when he first started
his record company in 1969, he
had no experience in handling a
business on his own. Therefore,
he called his record label, Virgin
Records , standing for ‘first
timer’. The name spread like
wildfire and soon every business
venture he started had ‘Virgin’
along with it as a trademark of
being Branson’s business

Family Comes First For
Richard Branson
A man of his words, Branson is a
devotee when it comes to his
family and beliefs. According to
a British poll, he is one of those
few men, after Mother Teresa,
who could be eligible to write the
Ten Commandments.

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